Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween 2009 Part 1

Super Adam and Super David!!

The boys went to trick or treat Great Grandma Reta Early.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My kids are clean freaks!

I heard the boys playing the other day. I went to see what they had got into. I found them with my ceiling fan duster and a mop.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The H1N1 Drama

So Marshall has been hit by the H1N1 flu. I got a call from a anonymous individual who told me about the kids getting sick before I put David on a bus and sent him to school. I realize my son cannot live in a bubble. I know he could potentially get this from a trip to town. Who knows maybe he already has it and is just not showing signs yet. I am going to try hard however to keep him from getting it. I pulled him out of preschool for the week. It isn't like he is in a higher grade and is going to miss a key building block while out. They study the ABC's, Colors, Letter Sounds. If I get too worried I can study those with him here. I am just not ready to sit back and risk him going to the hospital for months on end. We have been there once and I don't think I can survive that again. It was hard enough the first time he fought for his life. I know they say most kids fight it off, but we are talking about a boy who is tiny and gets sick for long stretches when it is just a common cold. I am scared of him getting this. I may be overreacting. Ya know what though he is my kid, this is my choice. You raise your kid and I will raise mine. I am a good Mom and I think this is the right decision for us.
Sorry if this seems a bit grouchy.
After yesterday and certain reactions from people I am touchy about this topic.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

School Picture 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It has been a while

So I haven't posted anything on here in a while. I don't really have any new pictures of things the kids have done to put up. David is still doing well at school. I framed his signature. He came home a couple weeks back and had wrote his name at school. I nearly started crying when I saw it. I even called his aide to see if she helped or if he did it. She said she helped with the lower case d. I was so shocked. This is a milestone I didn't realize. I am so proud of his progress in the last year! Walking around writing his name. Spelling everything from the exit sign to the title of books. He can't read yet but he can tell me letters and sometimes tell me the sound they make. I think he takes this pretty seriously considering he yelled at a little boy in his class when they were talking about letter A and the sound it makes. He told the little boy he was going to put him in Time Out!

Adam is doing good. Learning manors and how to turn on light switches. He also likes to feed David yogurt. I don't think David appreciates it though.

Aman is still Aman. Harvest isn't exactly going well so he isn't the happiest camper. Aman did speak to his Mom so that is good.

d ddaaaaaaaaaaav iiiii ddd
I told David to spell his name. Those letters took him 3 minutes.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Adams is 3 part 3

We went to the Chestnut festival in St Francisville for Adam's Birthday. He loved it.

Great Grandpa Dwain was very excited!
Great Uncle Russel was happy to see the boys.

I think everyone had a good visit, and Adam was thrilled to have the candy.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Adam is 3 part 2

Friday, October 2, 2009

Adam is 3 part 1

It came in the mail
So I let him open it
Grandma Sue read the card
Adam looked the card over
Picked up the present and looked it over
Opened it up
He found
Super Why Adam
Why writer
David is loving it
SO much that he ran away in it