Monday, February 27, 2012

Adam's Drawling

 Adam draws a lot of pictures at preschool.  Most of the time he has a story behind the picture.  Today he got home and told me there were papers in his bag.  Sometimes this is good and sometimes they are notes describing a behavior or a accident.  Today when I opened it there were pictures.  I looked at one and thought octopus.  The other looked like a orange line and he told me it was the longest snake.  Then he picked up what I thought was a octopus and told me it was a scrubber to let me clean.  It then his me this is a scrubbing bubble from the commercial for bathroom cleaner.  I was really impressed with how accurate it is, but a little ashamed he watched enough TV to memorize what it looks like.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

I am a Aunt!!!!

Is he not the most beautiful baby you have ever seen?  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

4 wheels and 4 hoofs :)

The boys are growing up so fast.  The weather was warm enough last week Adam was on his 4 wheeler.  He loves it.  He went round and round.  At one point he had it on two wheels.  That was when I went outside to supervise.  :)

Grandma Reta loves her bargains.  She found this one for the boys.  David actually was brave enough and hopped on it.  He is saying giddy up in this picture.