Friday, October 26, 2012


Aman has been sick all week.  He is having issues with kidney stones.  Today it has been a whole week of him in pain.  He lost 18 pounds is just starting to eat regularly again.  Needless to say it is getting stressful around here.  Saturday his brother is getting married and I hope he passes this stone by then or it might be hard for him to enjoy.

The kids had parent teacher conference yesterday.  Both boys are doing really well.  Adam needs to work on not running in the classroom.  David is needs to work on math and his writing.

Anyway I got away Thursday and went with my Mom to Beef and Boards.  It was a pretty good time.  Got to see The Church Basement Ladies.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Adam turned 6!!!  Adam wanted a angry bird party.  He helped me make him a devils food chocolate cake with chocolate icing.  He is a very good helper.  

Adam loves the purple angry bird space bird.
So I made him one.

Adam had friends come over and join in the fun.  Cannan is in the brown jacket and Bryce is in the camo.  

Adam got lots of goodies.
Including Teenage mutant ninja turtles.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Bumpus Bunch

Our family has grown a lot from the original 5.  

From Left to Right: 
Front: Jim, Heidi, Neal, Me, David, Jill, Chris
Back: Mom, Dad, and Aman
On the very bottom is Deeojee Jilll & Chris's Dog

We just got home from Bumpus Reunion 2012.  It was a good time. There were 4 wheelers everywhere.  :)  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Chef Adam and Artist David

Aunt Jill likes to sew.  She made Adam his own chef hat and apron.  She also made David a creative apron. They really love them.  I put the video of them opening the packages on here so Jill can watch.  I couldn't email the video it was too big.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Funny Boys

Yesterday the boys and I were cleaning the house.  All of the sudden this guy named Bob showed up.  

He looked very familiar.  I asked him to help clean the living room but he said he didn't live here.  Bob left and Adam showed up.  He asked who I was talking to.  I said well he said he was Bob.  Adam started laughing and said oh okay.  We finished cleaning the house and went to play at a friends house.  

Later after we got home we were making supper and Bob showed up again.  This time he looked a little different.  

I told Bob he would have to leave that it was supper time and his family would wonder where he was.  All of the sudden Bob started laughing.  He said goodbye and left.  

Next thing you knew David came running in laughing.  
I hope Bob made it home safe. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Helping Grandma Reta

When I was little one of my favorite things was helping Grandma Reta.  Before Memorial Day Grandpa Richard and Grandma Reta would make sure the flags were put out at the Walnut Prairie Cemetery.  My siblings and I helped with putting them out and bringing them in.  I don't know if we did it all the time.  But I know I remember doing it with Grandma Reta.
So this year when it came time to bring them in Grandma called and asked if Adam, David and I would like to help her.  So we all loaded up in Grandma's Jeep and went over to church.  Grandma explained to Adam what to do he took off running.  David was helpful but not nearly as excited about the job.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

David's egg journal

David's class had eggs in a incubator.  They did a journal about it all. Thought I would share one of the entries. It really cracked me up.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

David Spring Photo

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Yesterday we had lunch at my Mom's AKA Grandma Sue.  We also had a easter egg hunt.  Grandma Reta helped David with his bag.  Both the boys loved it!

Not sure Adam could smile bigger.

This morning we had our easter egg hunt.  David only wanted green and blue.  
Adam got all the rest.  They were both very happy. 

Friday, March 9, 2012


I got a new car today!!  
2011 Kia Soul!!!  

Monday, March 5, 2012

Adam Morgan

Sunday, March 4, 2012


David is struggling to gain weight.  I am struggling to come up with meals he likes.  David doesn't like much meat.  If it is something other than ground meat or a egg he will barely eat it.  He loves mashed potatoes, noodles, bread and butter, macaroni an cheese,yogurt, bananas, applesauce, and zebra cakes.  I could really use some fresh ideas.  He has dropped from 40 down to 38.  I am starting to panic a bit.  He has been sick and didn't want to eat because of his throat.  David has started eating a little bit more this week.  He also said his throat doesn't hurt anymore.  I am hoping he is going to gain some back soon.  If you have any ideas or recipes you want to share they would be appreciated.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Adam's Drawling

 Adam draws a lot of pictures at preschool.  Most of the time he has a story behind the picture.  Today he got home and told me there were papers in his bag.  Sometimes this is good and sometimes they are notes describing a behavior or a accident.  Today when I opened it there were pictures.  I looked at one and thought octopus.  The other looked like a orange line and he told me it was the longest snake.  Then he picked up what I thought was a octopus and told me it was a scrubber to let me clean.  It then his me this is a scrubbing bubble from the commercial for bathroom cleaner.  I was really impressed with how accurate it is, but a little ashamed he watched enough TV to memorize what it looks like.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

I am a Aunt!!!!

Is he not the most beautiful baby you have ever seen?  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

4 wheels and 4 hoofs :)

The boys are growing up so fast.  The weather was warm enough last week Adam was on his 4 wheeler.  He loves it.  He went round and round.  At one point he had it on two wheels.  That was when I went outside to supervise.  :)

Grandma Reta loves her bargains.  She found this one for the boys.  David actually was brave enough and hopped on it.  He is saying giddy up in this picture.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

David is growing up


Guess who went to the eye doctor today?  David got a new prescription.  The good part is Dr. Neely said it maybe David's last prescription!!!  His eyes are getting better!!!  
How awesome is that!!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pie for the Pie Lady

Today I tried to tackle a pie.  
No so much because I was craving a pie.  
I was just missing the pie lady.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Playing Catch Up

 I know it has been a while since I have posted anything.  I know a Long While.  
Anyway this is what we have been up to.

David got his computer for Christmas that he wanted so bad.

Adam got a Bears uniform for Christmas.  He loves it!  It came with jersey, helmet, and the pants.

 Everyone had a good Christmas and we got to stay home and enjoy the day together.

We had to replace all the flooring in the kitchen, office, hallway, and boys room.
The house looks wonderful.  I even got new counter tops!

Then we went to  North Carolina to see my sister Jill.  She got married on New Years Eve.

We saw some strange things.

 This is D.O.G Jill and Chris's dog.

 My Mom got a new jacket :)  HA HA  there is a point on the hat part. 

Weather was really nice!

 The boys really enjoyed it.

 David didn't climb steps to well so Aman helped him out.  
 Jill got married in her church in Tennessee 

The hand binding ceremony

Mr and Mrs Chris Edwards

 The view entering Cincinnati. 
 David turned 7 he looks so old!

 Adam got a riding outfit.  He likes to have his picture taken in it.  
He is so goofy he loves the handle sticking up.
I got flowers from Sandy.  I love them :)